Daniel Chipping

Exploring bits 💻 + atoms ⚛️  (one seldom post at a time!)


Hello! I’m Daniel, nice to meet 👋

This is my personal site, sporadically updated with a bits of writing on this and that. Writing is the best method I’ve found for promoting a deep understanding of a topic.

Domain-wise, I’m interested in exploring the intersection of:

  • Highly embodied hardware systems (systems that are highly aware of, and can finely interact with their surroundings/environment),
  • Systems that use on-board computing, networking and software,

…which can be combined to facilitate more intelligent and autonomous behaviour in real-world systems (e.g. manufacturing, vehicles, built environment).

I’ve also built a few small projects which you can see here. Drop me a message on Twitter, LinkedIn or <surname><forename>@gmail.com if you’d like to get in touch.

Your friendly reminder: don’t just imagine the future, build it!